Friday, July 28, 2023

5 Tips To Keep Yourself Healthy

                             5 Tips To Keep Yourself Healthy

In our daily fast-paced life with all the hectic schedules and rushed backgrounds, one thing is common! you know what? health.

keeping ourselves healthy is the most important task and should be the top notch priority, but these days we are not focusing on the term like this, good health always keeps you going in a good mood. but most of us are not aware of the term like how to do this, No worries Nirvasa brings you all the solution of keeping a healthy personality by presenting you a blog of tips to keep you healthy just in five steps.

Pack the bag, wake up and excercise-

Excercises are the first step to keep you fresh and healthy with needed efforts, its important and its reuired. it helps you to manage yourself in an energetic way to face the day with the booster of energy and the natural productivity of your mind which freshen up after you exercise every morning. how it helps you? keeping yourself in discipline to get up every morning and flexesize your body by relaxing into nature has been always a good idea, excercise circulate the bird flow which helps your body in every manner Say Good morning to yourself with some energetic exercises.

Fill your glass with the drops of energy-

After the excerise one thing you feel which you dont like is tiredness, the best option you can go for here is your energy drink which is nothing but herb juices. juices are the better way you can have to make yourself healthy  so opt for it. take fruit juices or herb juices it will make you fill energetic and healthy all day, by the goodness and properties of organic fruits.

Replace your plate with some greeneries-

We all want ourselves healthy as much as possible but we want the taste as well, opting for a healthy breakfast before starting the day is the must go on thing, avoid having oily and fussy breakfasts instead go for cornflakes and salads because a healthy breakfast is definitely all you need to make yourself healthy, carbohydrates, protiens and fat every vitamin is much vital for us which comes with the organic things and no oil policies so you better rely on the fact that you can find taste in organics too.

Concentrate focus and meditate-

Meditation is the mantra of life if you can follow, everyday when you are exhaust, you should give time to yourself by mediating atleast for an hour, it makes your brain focus muscles relaxed and feel free whih is really very important for the body and for the mental state of your mind, what happens by meditation is when your body remains constantly relaced the blood circulation goes well and keeps the heart moderated .

Do not forgett to add the curriculars into your daily life-

playing is just not only the point where you enjoy but it really makes you fit and involved and even better for your body, its a enjoyimg and a healthy way to make yourself joyfully active, take 2 to 3 hours of your ay into involvements of extra curricular activities this will make you intetnally feel good and you body healthy and relaxed.

let's fix the cycle of the sleep-

Do you really feel sleepy when you sleep? no right! sleep cycle is the most important part of the human body, or we can call the base for your next day, its imporant to make yourself  disciplined towards the schedule so that you can sleep well. a perfect sleep timing can make your another day take 6-7 hours of sleep without dropping off.


These are the 5 tips to make yourself healthy, by opting all these 5 procedures you can give yourself a booster start of the health, exercise, stay hydrated, eat healthy mediate and slep healthy. that's it you are all set to change your next day so opt healthy stay healthy.







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Thursday, July 27, 2023



Say goodbye to all diseases, and welcome yourself into the dreamland of health. Health now-a-days has become a major concern for all the generations, elder or the youth. We have been reading and hearing throughout the news about how people are getting suddenly off track of their consciousness amidst some event, a wedding, or a concert etc. It is high time that we keep a constant track of our daily routine, which might simply aid in ‘healthifying’ and detoxifying all the unhealthy elements within us.

Now, let us move on to five day-to-day routine activities of ‘healthifying’ ourselves by pulling oneself out of the unwanted slumber and laziness and entering into the realm of fitness and health

TIP 1:


Hydration is one of the major aspects that will aid us in keeping oneself healthy. A Lack of water intake might lead to making our body’s immune system weak. The functionality of the vital organs inside our body needs a whole tank of water intake to run our system well. As it is said “Drop by drop, fills the pot”, similarly drop by drop of water fills the ocean of our health. 


TIP 2:



Yoga and meditation have been a practice since the medieval ages. The saints and the yogis had already found out a way for the people to escape into the world of relaxation and purity. Meditation is all that one, in today’s world, needs to forget all the ill dealings, to deviate oneself from the worldly pressures and the mental dissatisfactions. 

One should say a cheerful good morning to our relentless soul, mind and body with a positive and pragmatic approach. Yoga asanas will help to cater to all the physical ailments of our body and meditation will help healing your soul from within. Start following this, and witness the change within yourself. 




You will now think that eating healthy is a very normal tip for the others to give. Isn’t it!. Well, we here are not only guiding you to eat healthy but also are guiding you to eat everything, but in a set of divided portions. Our body functions well only if we are taking the right portions of everything into our diet. Cutting out fats and carbohydrates is not only the option, we need them too, to build and strengthen up our body muscles. Keep your diet in such a way that the body accepts the right portion of intake of  Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates etc. 

Check your carb intake, include everything in your diet, just be cautious to not increase the carb level.  




Youth of today have an opinion that they might make an impact on their bodies by skipping a meal and eating heavily only once a day. According to the theories, the doctors as well as the prominent dieticians have come up with the fact that skipping a meal won’t help in nothing but increasing the air pressure in our systems. This might lead to bursting of weak nerves within our bodies and result in a serious breakdown in the nervous system. 

Thus, a meal to miss is not a fine option. Rather, make your meals thrice a day and wind it up in a way that it remains in exact portions according to the body's needs. 




Sleep deprived? Feeling lazy and weak? Beep beep!! Find a warning that your body is trying to highlight. All illnesses are a result of excessive amounts of work exhibited from the body, which is aggravated more due to the lack of sleep. Youth of today have gained a very habit of staying up late at night and then waking up early or maybe late according to their work and study structures. 

One must adhere to strict sleep structures which will aid in resonating and relaxing your mind, soul and body. Make a routine sleep structure to inculcate at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep into your daily routine to keep your body healthy, away from all the ailments.


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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

10 Healthy Scalp Tips Benefits


10 Healthy Scalp Tips & Benefits

Did you just say healthy scalp tips? Well, if this got you interested then you are at the right place. In this blog, you will get some remarkable insights on how to keep your scalp healthy and away from scalp conditions. It will also help you make some lifestyle changes and inculcate some habits for the wellness of your scalp. You can keep your worries about a bankable hair care regime aside because we are here to give you some stellar tips.

Benefits of a healthy scalp

How to keep the scalp healthy seems daunting, but before we get to that, understanding its importance is a must. By keeping a healthy scalp, the hair follicles get a conducive environment to grow. Ensuring proper blood circulation and transportation of vital nutrients to the hair follicles are some benefits of a healthy scalp. Through this, you achieve more robust, thicker, and faster hair growth.

Improved hair texture is what you get since a healthy hair scalp maintains the required moisture balance. It also blocks the way for dryness or oiliness in the scalp resulting in better hair texture, enhanced sheen, and reduced frizziness in hair. Below mentioned are some tips for a healthy scalp and hair.

Know Your Scalp Health First

Before, you start with any treatment or changes in your hair care routine, detection of scalp conditions is imperative. When you are assessing your scalp health repeatedly, it allows you to identify any potential scalp conditions earlier. Through earlier detection, you can effectively address and manage those scalp conditions before it worsens.

One size fits all is not the case with hair care because every scalp is unique and has different requirements. Thus, a personalized hair care routine is one of the healthy scalp tips that allow you to choose moisturizing products basis your scalp texture. It also helps you adjust the frequency of shampooing to avoid excessive dryness. By customizing your hair care approach, you can optimize your scalp's health and maintain healthy hair.

Causes of an unhealthy scalp

One of the most common causes of an unhealthy scalp is inadequate or infrequent hair cleansing. That’s because of an obvious reason that there is a buildup of dirt, oils, and product residues. This can result in a dirty scalp, clogged hair follicles, and an increased risk of scalp issues. Usage of harsh shampoos, excessive use of hair styling equipment, and exposure to unfavourable weather conditions result in hair scalp dryness.

Excessive oil production also leads to greasiness in the scalp oily scalp, and clogged hair follicles. One of the strong reasons contributing to this excessive oiliness is hormonal imbalances, or using heavy, oil-based hair care products.

Symptoms of an unhealthy scalp

When taking care of scalp takes a backseat you experience the following symptoms. The first and foremost is itchiness. When you are persistently itching on the scalp then it is a clear sign of an unhealthy scalp leading to scalp dryness. This may indicate a lack of moisture or an imbalance in the scalp's natural oil production. Next is increased oil or so to say sebum production which makes the hair greasy and results in clogged hair follicles.

Changes in the scalp's appearance are one of the most noticeable symptoms of allergies. Allergic reactions or inflammation of the scalp can cause scalp redness accompanied by dry flakes, itchiness, or general irritation.

Best Healthy scalp tips

How to keep your scalp healthy? Well, regular cleansing of the scalp is a no-brainer solution that will help you in keeping your scalp healthy. Scalp cleansing helps in the removal of dirt, oils, and product buildup that cannot be left untreated. Always ensure to use a gentle shampoo that suits your hair type and massage it into your scalp for enhancing blood circulation. Rinse thoroughly afterward to ensure no residue is left behind. Keep the hair products and accessories amply clean and hygienic to prevent bacteria or dirt from building on your scalp.

Additionally, strike a balance in your scalp moisture, if you have a dry scalp, avoid excessive washing and use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to prevent further dryness. If you have an oily scalp, opt for gentle and sulfate-free products to prevent the scalp’s deprivation of its natural oils. Maintaining this balance will help you in keeping a health-packed scalp.

Be gentle with your hair products.

When taking care of the scalp, choose hair care products that are specifically formulated for scalp health. Always look at the product labels and pick products that are gentle, chemical-free conditioners and are easy on your scalp. Avoid buying products containing harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances. Instead, choose products with natural and nourishing ingredients that won't irritate or dry out your scalp.

Opt for products that can address the specific hair conditions you are struggling with. The issues can be dryness, frizz, dandruff, or colour-treated hair. Look for products specifically designed to target those concerns, such as moisturizing shampoos for dry hair or anti-frizz serums for frizzy hair.

Boost your scalp health with omega-3 supplements.

Omega-3 fatty acids are the best supplements to facilitate your ever-lasting scalp health. They contribute to nourishing the hair from within by providing the essential nutrients that support the growth and development of strong and healthy hair. It also enhances hair elasticity making them less prone to breakage and damage.

These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties which support scalp health and alleviate scalp conditions like dandruff. Additionally, they assist the hair strands in retaining their moisture, keeping them hydrated and making the hair appear more lustrous and healthy.

Eat a nutritious diet for a healthier scalp.

Take a well-rounded and nutritious diet that satisfies the nutrient requirement of your scalp. Consuming a balanced diet will support the growth and maintenance of a healthy scalp and healthier hair. Nutrient-rich foods ensure that follicle health is bolstered by supplying the building blocks required for the formation and maintenance of hair follicles.

Next in line, consume appropriate protein amounts for healthy hair growth since hair is composed of a protein namely keratin. An omega-3 fatty acids diet helps improve the strength and resilience of hair and makes the hair less prone to breakage and damage. A diet rich in antioxidants, iron-rich foods, and vitamins helps maintain a balanced and nourished scalp.

Use a scalp scrub to exfoliate gently.

Massaging with mild hair oil would stimulate blood circulation in the scalp. Through improved circulation and nutrient delivery to the hair follicles hair growth is enhanced. Following this exfoliation with a gentle and nourishing scalp scrub can unclog hair follicles which may be blocked due to excessive oil or dead skin cells. After clearing these blockages, you give your hair the liberty to grow more freely and minimize the issue of scalp acne.

Removal of dead skin cells comes in handy when exfoliating the scalp with a nourishing scalp scrub. By removing these cells, scalp scrub tends to build a cleaner and healthier environment for enhanced hair growth.

Consider probiotics for a balanced scalp.

The inclusion of probiotics in your diet can help restore and maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria on the scalp promoting a healthier scalp environment. Possessing anti-inflammatory properties helps probiotics in calming scalp inflammation and alleviating scalp conditions that arise from inflammation.

Probiotics have a role to play in maintaining a healthy pH balance on the scalp. Due to this, probiotics help in supporting the growth of scalp-friendly bacteria and inhibit the overgrowth of harmful ones. They are also predominantly involved in strengthening the skin barrier, which prevents moisture loss, minimizes scalp dryness, and boosts overall health.

Incorporate Iron, Multivitamin Containing Supplements

Multivitamins when taken in moderation are not good for the body said nobody ever. That's because these supplements provide your scalp with the nutrients they are devoid of and unable to derive from the regular diet. Iron is essential for healthy hair growth, as it transports oxygen to the hair follicles and prevents hair thinning. Multivitamin gummies are also a great addition to keep your nutrients in check.

You must also incorporate Vitamin A which promotes sebum natural oil production keeping the scalp moisturized. Then we have Biotin which is known for its role in promoting healthy hair and helping in hair loss reduction. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports collagen production, essential for hair structure and strength. Uses of Vitamin E include preventing the scalp from oxidative stress damage.

Nourishing Your Scalp

Scalp nourishment is of utmost importance to keep your hair revitalized and its wellness intact. Treat your scalp with healthful hair masks made from natural ingredients that can provide the hydration and nutrients that the scalp is craving for. You can also tap into biotin for hair growth and enhanced scalp health. Moisturizing products can also nourish the scalp, maintain its natural moisture balance, prevent dryness, and reduce dandruff formation.

Certain essential oils with nourishing properties can help soothe the scalp, nourish the hair follicles and promote healthy hair. They gently massaging your scalp in circular motions with these oils once every 2-3 days can stimulate blood circulation. Additionally, nutrients are supplied to the scalp promoting a healthier environment for hair growth.

Preventing and Treating Common Scalp Issues

Prevention is better than cure and will always be the go-to for keeping a healthy scalp. Moreover, by addressing scalp issues at the earlier stage, you promote a balanced and nourished scalp environment, supporting its optimal hair growth. Treating scalp issues helps alleviate severe hair conditions and enhances your scalp’s overall well-being.

Never leave hair conditions untreated because these scalp issues can worsen and potentially lead to irreversible complications. By preventing and taking care of scalp issues promptly, you can minimize the risk of further damage to the scalp and hair.

Lifestyle Habits for a Healthy Scalp

Taking a balanced diet is a prerequisite when following a healthy hair care regime. A nutritious diet would mostly include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and a dash of protein. You can also include biotin hair gummies to keep your scalp healthy in place. Also, ensure proper hydration to keep the scalp moisturized and far from dryness.

Another important thing to incorporate is stress management activities in your day-to-day lifestyle more specifically exercise, meditation, and deep breathing. A healthy sleep cycle is vital for the body's repair processes and a healthier scalp environment.


This blog will run you through the ways of securing optimum scalp health and its benefits. Certain healthy scalp tips remain unchanged. Beginning with ensuring your scalp is cleansed regularly, and properly, and with products infused with natural ingredients. Secondly, regular scalp massage to maintain a healthy scalp by promoting circulation, and reducing scalp tension.

Reduce excessive use of heat and chemical treatments like perming, relaxing, or colouring. These chemical-rich activities can damage the scalp and weaken the hair structure to a great extent. You must also consume a balanced and nutritious diet which includes green leafy vegetables, fish, eggs, citrus fruits, whole grains, greek yoghurt, nuts, and seeds to conclude.

If you have yet not included skin gummies in your diet, then it's not too late to do it now. These gummies are beneficial for sustainable scalp health. You can also include melatonin sleep gummies for enhancing the quality of sleep and in turn your scalp health too.

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Friday, July 7, 2023

मल्टीविटामिन किसको लेना चाहिए और क्यों ! मल्टीविटामिन से होने वाले फायदे

 मल्टीविटामिन किसको लेना चाहिए  और क्यों ?

मल्टीविटामिन एक प्रकार का पूरक आहार है जो विभिन्न विटामिन और खनिजों सयोंजन से बना है  है। यह विटामिन और खनिजों की कमी को पूरा करने और शरीर में तत्वों  की आपूर्ति को बनाए रखने में मदद करता है।

मल्टीविटामिन किसी विशेष वर्ग के लोगों के लिए फायदेमंद हो सकता है, जैसे:

  1. आहार में खाने की विविधता कम होने की स्थिति में : जब आपके आहार में विभिन्न प्रकार के पौष्टिक आहार सामग्री की कमी होती है, तो मल्टीविटामिन आपको विभिन्न विटामिन और खनिजों की आवश्यकता को पूरा करने में मदद कर सकता है।

  1. विटामिन और खनिजों की आपूर्ति कम होने की स्थिति में : कई लोगों की आहार में खाने में पौष्टिकता की कमी होती है या वे खाने में संतुलित आहार नहीं ले पाते हैं। मल्टीविटामिन ऐसे मामलों में आपको विटामिन और खनिजों की आपूर्ति प्रदान कर सकता है जिस से आप के सभी विटामिनो की पूर्ति हो जाती है ।

  1. विशेष आवश्यकताएं: कुछ लोग ऐसे होते हैं जिन्हें विशेष विटामिन और खनिजों की आवश्यकता होती है, जैसे गर्भवती महिलाएं, स्तनपान कराने वाली महिलाएं, बच्चों, वृद्ध लोग आदि। मल्टीविटामिन इस तरह के लोगों को आवश्यक विटामिन और खनिजों की पर्याप्त मात्रा में प्रदान कर सकता है जिस स लोगों की आवशयकता ही पूर्ति हो सकती वही ।

हालांकि, यदि आपका आहार संतुलित है और आप पौष्टिक खाद्य पदार्थों को समय-समय पर लेते हैं, तो आपको मल्टीविटामिन की जरूरत नहीं हो सकती है। यह हमेशा अच्छा रहेगा क्यूंकि  आप अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें और उनकी सलाह पर चलें, विशेष रूप से यदि आपको किसी खास स्थिति में हैं जहां मल्टीविटामिन की जरूरत हो सकती है त आप अपने डॉक्टर से संपर्क जरूर कर ले ।

मल्टीविटामिन से होने वाले फायदे ? 

मल्टीविटामिन का सेवन कई फायदे प्रदान करता  है। यहां कुछ महत्वपूर्ण फायदे हैं जो मल्टीविटामिन के उपयोग से हो सकते हैं:

  1. विटामिन पूर्णता की पूर्ति: मल्टीविटामिन आपको विभिन्न विटामिन और खनिजों की पूर्ति करने में मदद करता है जो आपके आहार से अपर्याप्त हो सकते हैं। यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि आपके शरीर को सभी आवश्यक पोषक तत्व मिलते हैं और आप स्वस्थ रेहन ।

  1. पौष्टिकता का संतुलन बनाये रखना  :Daily Multivitamin

  2.  मल्टीविटामिन में समाहित विटामिन और खनिजों का संयोजन आपके शरीर के पौष्टिक संतुलन को सुनिश्चित करता है। यह आपके शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देता है और उचित मानसिक-शारीरिक कार्यक्षमता को बनाए रखने में मदद करता है आपके विटामिनो की कश्ती पूर्ति करता है ।

  1. ऊर्जा के स्तर को बढ़ावा देना : Daily Multivitamin

  2.  विटामिन B के मिलान से युक्त मल्टीविटामिन आपके ऊर्जा के स्तर को बढ़ावा देता है। यह आपको दिनभर के काम करने में मदद करता है और थकान और थकावट को कम करता है आपके शरीर में दंदरुस्ती प्रदान करता हैं ।

  1. प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली (इम्युनिटी ) Daily Multivitamin

  2.  को मजबूत करना: मल्टीविटामिन में मौजूद विटामिन C, विटामिन D, और अंतियोक्सिडेंट्स आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली (इम्युनिटी )को मजबूत बनाने में मदद करते हैं। यह आपको संक्रमणों और बीमारियों से बचाता है और आपकी सामान्य स्वास्थ्य सुरक्षा में मदद करता है।

  1. स्वास्थ्य  बाल और त्वचा:Daily Multivitamin

  2.   कुछ मल्टीविटामिन में मौजूद विटामिन  a और विटामिन e  बालों और त्वचा के स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देते हैं। यह बालों को मजबूत, चमकदार और स्वस्थ बनाने में मदद करता है और त्वचा को निखारता भी  है।

यहां दिए गए फायदों के अलावा भी मल्टीविटामिन कई अन्य लाभ प्रदान करता है, लेकिन यह आपके शारीर की विशेषताओं और आवश्यकताओं पर निर्भर करेगा। यदि आपको किसी खास स्थिति में मल्टीविटामिन की आवश्यकता हो, तो अपने चिकित्सक की सलाह लेना हमेशा अच्छा रहेगा।

Saturday, July 1, 2023

मैं उड़ता परिंदा आसमान का- उड़ाते पक्षी पर हिंदी कविता ! Pakshiyon Par hindi Kavita

 मैं उड़ता परिंदा आसमान का- उड़ाते पक्षी पर हिंदी कविता ! Pakshiyon Par hindi Kavita 

 मैं उड़ता परिंदा आसमान का
मुझको ना डर कोई तूफान का.

अपनी फितरत मजहबों से दूर,
किस्सा ना कोई वेद पुराण का।

कहीं सजदे न हो हमारी नजर,
ना पता है अपनी पहचान का।

खुले उड़ते हैं मिलों का सफर,
बिन सरहद घर आसमान का।

कोई रोक नहीं कहां पियें पानी,
भेदभाव नही जाति के नाम का।

हमने छुई हैं मंजिलें बहुत अमन,
शोर नही करते ऊँची उड़ान का।


पलकों से है समंदर पिया- पलकों पर कविता ! palkon Par Hindi Kavitas

 पलकों से है समंदर पिया- Palko Par Kavita 

मैं ना हूँ कोई बुझता दिया,
मैं तो हूँ एक खुला आसमां,
इस दुनिया को खुद में जिया.

मेरे खेल दर्द के अनोखे हैं,
मुझमें दरिया दर्द के सोते हैं,
फिर भी जिंदादिली है अपनी,
अपना मुस्कराने का जरिया।

ना हीं कोई अंधेरों की आवाज़,
रौशन है दहकती मन की आग,
तन्हाईयों के घर जला दिए मैंने,
बहुत कीमती जीने की डगरिया।

क्यों रहना यहां घुटन में हरपल,
करते रहो कोई ना कोई हलचल,
बेबसी की कतारों में कब तक रहें,
जब सामने हो उम्मीदों का दरिया।

इस वक़्त के अजीब से गोते हैं,
यहां बिन डूबे ही सब रोते हैं,
क्या बरसेगी किस्मत उसपर,
जिसने दगा अमन खुदसे किया।
